Writing Fiction on Appalachian Culture: A Conversation with Authors Lee Mandelo and Ashley Blooms

Are you interested in publicly-engaged scholarship and working with local communities? Please join us for a panel featuring scholars from a variety of disciplines to learn more about their work and suggested best practices. The workshop will acquaint you with a broad array of resources and conversations on the topic of publicly-engaged scholarship and answer any questions you may have.
Co-Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Commonwealth Institute for Black Studies, the Appalachian Center, and the Center for Equality and Social Justice. Register at https://uky.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ldOuqqj4sE9J_LsYywrLeKI_nv-I0mh…
For more information about our presenters, please see their personal webpage:
Dr. Christia Brown, Dr. Ann Kingsolver, Dr. Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Dr. Natalie Nenadic, and Dr. Matthew Wilson